Saturday, August 28, 2010

Excited to finally start blogging!

Hi. I'm Allison. I have recently gotten really excited about baking and decorating cupcakes. I had decided I really needed an outlet to get my creations out there, and also be able to share and get tips about baking. So.....I fugured where else to go but Blogspot! I usually bake way too much at a time, so my leftovers usually end up at the homes of friends, family members, and co-workers. Lucky them. However, I will NOT be resposible the onset of type II diabetes....

I will be sharing some recipes and pictures of my creations along the way. I am always up for criticism, and I figure the internet is full of brutally honest people. If you're reading this, you are probably extremely bored-or I begged you to get on here. Either way, thanks for stopping by!


  1. You go girl! Just remember me when you're famous! Your CC's are the best!

  2. You can do anything you want!!!!! Your cupcakes are delicious!!! Please continue, don't give up and I am not saying that because I'm a lucky co-worker. You are the best!!!
